About Us
Current Aveline is an online clothing boutique for women's apparel, headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. As a long-time interior designer, Emilie, the owner of Current Aveline, also has a keen interest in wearable fashion for your everyday. Before the age of two, she showed her strong-willed side and was adamant about not wearing certain colors. To this day, she loves fashion, style, clothing, and yes, will still only wear certain colors. A little more on that below.
Emilie recently had her color analysis done (by her local House of Colour consultant) and found out her almost-all-black (perfect for a designer) wardrobe was doing her no favors. She was typed as a Summer and has been slowly moving to an all-Summer season wardrobe.
There are many color consultants and influencers online that share their best picks for the weather season according to their color season, which is amazing. Emilie recently decided to work on coding everything in the shop according to season. It's a work in progress, so your patience is appreciated!
If you are looking to have your coloring typed to help you look your absolute best, find your local color consultant at www.houseofcolour.com. Emilie is not a color consultant.
We hope to inspire you to be comfortable and confident while dressing well for your every day!